Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My brother's fever has gone down to just below a 98.6, and his heart rate is around a 120.


  1. Dear Grace,
    Thomas and your family are in our prayers all the time. Please hug him for us, since we are in LA. May the Lord stengthen your heart, we all praying for His healing and mercy to once again come upon Thomas.
    Love, Mack & Tina

  2. Dear Gracee,

    Thank you for keeping up this blog. Thomas is so precious. Sam and I think of him almost everyday and we're lifting him up in prayer.
    LOVE, Mary & Sam

  3. Grace,
    I am so relieved about this. I was so worried last night, I should have known he would get through that fine..he's gotten through everything else! I have never met anyone as strong as your bro. That is also great that you saw some movement from him!! I'm still praying every second of every day!! See you and thomas tonight :)
