Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I wish they could take the tube out sooner...i think they might have to do it tomorrow. He has been responsive, but it's absolutely frustrating for him to not get across what he wants to say. He motioned for me to rub his feet, flip the towel over on his forehead, etc. He tried to write using pen and paper i gave him but his motor skills are still not all there so i couldn't read what he wrote. It's really hard to not be able to communicate. I wrote down all the letters of the alphabet, and told him to squeeze my hand when i got to the right letter. Then he spelled "s-t-a-r b-e-e y-" and... yea - no idea what that says. The nurse says he is still loopy from some of the sedation meds so he might not really know what he's saying. He kept wanting to crack his knuckles, too (he would, huh?)...so i put up my hand so he could have something to push against, but he wasn't really able to push hard enough for any of his knuckles to crack.

I was really hoping they could take it out today so we could have had a conversation...but at least everything seems pretty normal. Same stuff as before - no fever, normal blood pressure, heart rate at 120. I'm satisfied but looking forward to more improvement.


  1. Keith thinks starbeey means strawberry lemonade...haha. That's got to be it!! Glad hes still improving event though he can't get that tube taken out yet :(

  2. That is great news! I'm so glad he's making so much progress.

  3. Hi Grace, thanks so much for your updates. I'm so happy to hear that his BP, etc. is returning to normal.
    It sounds as if you went back to LA today. Are visitors still not allowed? Linda (JH choir director and I were going to visit him this week--she is on mid-winter break.
    Take care of yourself, Judy
